Language - Never Been Easy But We Have To Conquer It
已有 3244 次阅读2016-3-21 22:12
Once a while the English language just put me down. Some times I feel so defeated. I can write pretty good English generally, but when it comes to time to write a formal report, I just keep on editing, editing and editing, never feel comfortable to deliver. Today is one of those days. God bless me!!!
Maybe I need go back to a language school. Or somehow find a way to make it better. I definitely need do something.
Here are some hints from internet:
[b][i][color=#548dd4]1[/color][/i][/b][i][color=#548dd4] [/color][/i][b][i][color=#548dd4]Research. [/color][/i][/b][i][color=#548dd4]beforehand. This is incredibly important if you've got a deadline coming up. You won't have anything to write if you haven't already done your research before it's time to write. Once you have the research out of the way, the writing part is actually really easy. [/color][/i]
[b][i][color=#548dd4]2.Create an outline.[/color][/i][/b][i][color=#548dd4] Think about what you want to write and what you're trying to get across. This can be as messy and vague as you need it to be as long as it helps you format your writing before you start. Remember, this is only your first draft, so the outline and the draft can change once it's written.[/color][/i][list][li][i][color=#548dd4]If you're [/color][/i][url=][i][color=#548dd4]writing an essay[/color][/i][/url][i][color=#548dd4], map out your thesis statement, and provide keywords for each topic you're covering, or each paragraph.[/color][/i][/li][li][i][color=#548dd4]For an article, you could map out your writing by subheadings.[/color][/i][/li][li][i][color=#548dd4]For a novel, you could outline your writing by chapter or by plot, depending on how in-depth you need it to be.[/color][/i][/li][/list]
[b][i][color=#548dd4]3[/color][/i][/b][i][color=#548dd4]. [/color][/i][b][i][color=#548dd4]Minimize distractions.[/color][/i][/b][i][color=#548dd4] You're not going to get anything written if you're constantly being interrupted, or you keep getting distracted by people watching. You know what works best for you. If you work best with a bunch of people around you go to a cafe, or the library. If you need some background music, put on something that either inspires you, or doesn't distract you (music without vocals is usually best for this). [/color][/i][list][li][i][color=#548dd4]Use a program like RescueTime to minimize your time spent on Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, etc. If you can't constantly mess around online, you'll have more time to spend writing.[/color][/i][/li][li][i][color=#548dd4]Turn your phone off. It's incredibly unlikely that you're going to have an emergency in the couple hours you're going to spend writing. Get that distraction out of the way![/color][/i][/li][/list]
[b][i][color=#548dd4]4 Set a timer.[/color][/i][/b][i][color=#548dd4] While this can be incredibly irritating and stressful it will help you get finished with your writing and do so quickly. You probably have a good idea how long it will take you to write an article, essay, or chapter without distractions. [/color][/i][list][li][i][color=#548dd4]You don't even have to use an actual timer. If you've made a batch of cookies, your timer is the cookies. That way you'll get a treat at the end of your writing.[/color][/i][/li][li][i][color=#548dd4]If you can, write while on the bus or the metro. This way you'll have to have something written by the time you get to your stop.[/color][/i][/li][/list]
[b][i][color=#548dd4]5 Write for clarity not quality.[/color][/i][/b][i][color=#548dd4] When you're trying to get something written quickly, you need to stop worrying about the quality of it. Focus on getting it written before you focus on cleaning it up. It's easier to edit something when you actually have something written.[/color][/i][list][li][i][color=#548dd4]Turn off spellcheck while you write. You can turn it back on once you've finished, but while you're just getting words on the page, it will only slow you down.[/color][/i][/li][li][i][color=#548dd4]Don't worry about your own personal voice (even if you're writing a story or poem). All that will come through when you polish it. Or, if you're writing a news story or essay, you don't particularly need a personal style as long as it is clear what you're writing.[/color][/i][/li][/list]