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visamax  曼省名人  发表于 2016-8-18 16:53:45 | 显示全部楼层

每一个议题都有两面,没有一面绝对的错,也没有一面绝对的正确,都是相对的。华人应该避免绝对化的思维方式,学会美国人和印度人的冷静和客观, .. (2016-07-23 10:46 AM) 
VisaMax移民签证联系电话:(204) 888 5599咨询邮箱: visamax2@gmail.com / visamax4@gmail.com#1020 - 201 Portage Avenue,Winnipeg, MB    R3T 3K6公司网站:http://www.visamax.cn/更多移民资讯敬请关注 新浪微博 Visamax加拿大专业移民服务市场部联系人 李博文 女士  - 微信帐号 Bowen268369

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visamax  曼省名人  发表于 2016-8-18 17:14:28 | 显示全部楼层
WINNIPEG – Canadians believe Winnipeg to be the least safe city. That’s according to a new poll by Mainstreet Research that asked people to rank 15 cities.
According to the poll, 56 per cent of Canadians indicated they believe Winnipeg is unsafe, followed by Toronto, Montreal, Saskatoon then Edmonton.
“Most cities received rankings that were not representative of their true crime rates,” Quito Maggi, President of Mainstreet Research said.
Winnipeg’s crime rate has been falling for years but the grim title ‘murder capital’ seems to have stuck with Canadians

VisaMax移民签证联系电话:(204) 888 5599咨询邮箱: visamax2@gmail.com / visamax4@gmail.com#1020 - 201 Portage Avenue,Winnipeg, MB    R3T 3K6公司网站:http://www.visamax.cn/更多移民资讯敬请关注 新浪微博 Visamax加拿大专业移民服务市场部联系人 李博文 女士  - 微信帐号 Bowen268369

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visamax  曼省名人  发表于 2016-8-31 16:08:36 | 显示全部楼层
2天前发生在市中心259 Portage 大街上公然对新移民的持刀抢劫,简直是惊爆新闻。自行车天天丢,这温尼伯治安到底有人管吗?警察拿着超高工资,难道就是这样工作的吗?

Newcomer couple cut in knifepoint robbery in downtown Winnipeg

Couple robbed on Portage Avenue while downtown to attend program for immigrants, police say

CBC News Posted: Aug 29, 2016 8:44 AM CT Last Updated: Aug 29, 2016 10:17 AM CT
A 36-year-old man faces several charges after a couple who are new to Canada were robbed at knifepoint in downtown Winnipeg last week.
The couple was on Portage Avenue near Donald Street on Thursday evening so they could attend a course nearby with the Entry Program, which provides settlement orientation and an introduction to English, a staff member with the program told CBC News.
Winnipeg police said the woman and man were approached by a man who tried to sell them stolen goods. When they refused, he grabbed the woman's purse.
As the couple tried to get the purse back, they were cut by a knife, police said.
Witnesses heard the woman screaming and one ran after the suspect, who dropped the purse and ran off. The witness returned the purse to the couple, police said.
They were treated in hospital for minor injuries.

VisaMax移民签证联系电话:(204) 888 5599咨询邮箱: visamax2@gmail.com / visamax4@gmail.com#1020 - 201 Portage Avenue,Winnipeg, MB    R3T 3K6公司网站:http://www.visamax.cn/更多移民资讯敬请关注 新浪微博 Visamax加拿大专业移民服务市场部联系人 李博文 女士  - 微信帐号 Bowen268369

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tercel  曼省名人  发表于 2017-2-13 16:30:43 | 显示全部楼层

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visamax1  曼省小白  发表于 2017-3-27 12:03:54 | 显示全部楼层
好久没有更新了!目前大家热议的话题应该是边境上不断涌入的非法移民或者难民吧!本周一在曼省自由报发表的关于非法移民享受特殊待遇不公的文章,引起社会各界的广泛关注。我们都是移民,我们的朋友们很多还正在移民,M-103法案的提议,本身就是对我们移民人群的不公正对待!我们的声音谁来听 ?为什么M-103就可以由政府特别重视,难道我们其他族裔的移民就不是被重视的群体吗 ?华人100年前就给加拿大做出了很大贡献,为什么没有专门的法案给我们呢 ?难道就是因为我们不愿意参与吗 ?我们没有声音吗 ? 加拿大还是自由民主的国家吗 ?

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