Good analysis chengle! 
Well, I personally think there\'s a lot to do, and the only limit is one\'s imagination.
There are so many art shows, concerts, festivals, etc. unique to Winnipeg in addition to many general fun activities. \"Nothing to do\" is absolute nonsense! In fact \"Nothing to do\" means \"I spend too much time hiding indoors from life\" 
I think the problem is the general attitude of Generation Y. If you look at the attitudes of Generation X and earlier, they wouldn\'t be sitting around talking about how \"there\'s nothing to do\", etc., they\'d be out doing something! ;) Whereas the attitudes of Generation Y seems to be to follow others not taking risks or initiative to just go out and do something one feels is fun regardless of how others perceive it. I guess ultimately it is Generation Y\'s sense of self-entitlement and extreme sense of self-consciousness that causes most of their boredom :S
Personally being part of Generation \"question mark\" - I\'m in early Y, but my parents are a generation removed - I say let\'s forget all of this \"nothing to do\" nonsense, and all have some fun like we did in the olden days! Who cares if you are good at something, let\'s just goof around and be silly and share the fun amongst us all one civilization (sounds so 60\'s, but it\'s oh so true) 
C\'mon guys and gals! Who wants to throw around a baseball or play some soccer, make some music, watch some music, see some art, or even just go for a nice walk in the park? 
If you need any ideas for fun or want some company, give me a shout: I\'m always down for some fun times  |