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Director of Student Services in Moose jaw, SK

8916 2
file://localhost/Users/attilalam/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/msoclip/0/clip_image002.pngDirector of Student Services
TheDirector of Student Services is responsible for helping and assisting studentsby planning and implementing different strategies and academic programmes whichwill make their lives easier and more convenient. The Director of StudentServices has to support A & L Royal Academy staff with all tasks related todeveloping, coordinating, marketing and carrying out the programmes.
Duties and Responsibilities
TheDirector of Student Services:
·     helps organise meetings with A &L Royal Academy staff
·     has to develop programme ideas andbe a leader
·     makes weekly or daily newslettersfor the school, keeping the communication flowing with the staff, students,parents, and community
·     creates promotional materials likeflyers, power point presentations, and handouts for the programs
·     has to organise publicity andmarketing of A & L Royal Academy
·     helps develop workshop materials foracademic events
·     helps oversee the registrationprocess and handling of event fees
·     must help with evaluation of thestudents and programs
·     must also ensure that the websiteand all social media is updated on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis
·     needs to prepare materials formeetings
·     besides making newsletters, mustalso write semester and year-end summary reports
·     must monitor the student servicesbulletin boards for content, timeliness, attractiveness of materials
Student Life
TheDirector of Student Services:
·     helps to interview potentialhomestay parents and keep a record of all homestay parents both current andpotential on file
·     assists students with any issueswith their homestay
·     maintains a list of potentialaccommodations and assists students to find suitable accommodations near theschool
·     assists students with life inCanada. This can be helping with paying utility bills, shopping, givingdirections, arranging for tutoring, counselling students with academic andpersonal issues, opening a bank account, visa issues, advice on diet and personalhygiene, and other issues
Cultural and Community Events
TheDirector of Student Services:
·     assists the principal in planningand organizing cultural and community events.
·     assists the staff in preparingstudents for each event. This can include classroom instruction, PowerPoints,and preparing handouts.
·     attends all community and culturalevents.
Conductsformal and informal surveys of students and event participants as gain feedbackto the social and learning outcomes of the event.
Skills and Specifications
TheDirector of Student Services:
·     must have excellent organisationalskills and should pay attention to details
·     must have command over both Englishand Mandarin Chinese and should be able to communicatewell, both verbally and in writing
·     should have knowledge of graphicdesigning and must have word processing and social media skills
Education and Qualifications
ABachelor’s degree or the equivalent is required for this post. Knowledge ofcomputers is an advantage. Prior experience of interaction with students andcommunity service also helps.
Salaries and Benefits
A & L Royal Academy offers an attractive salary based onexperience and qualifications.
How to Apply
Please forward your resume, cover letter, and 3 referencesto:
Jeff Mathieson
Principal, ALRA
1.    Yourresume should be in English and Chinese. If we feel you are a suitablecandidate for this position you will be interviewed in both Chinese andEnglish.
2.    This isa full-time position located in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan
52 HighStreet West
MooseJaw, Saskatchewan
CanadaSH6 1S3

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laohe6688  曼省名人  发表于 2019-8-4 02:01:52 | 显示全部楼层

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