游客:tell me more about brandon plz ~~~ (2012-11-27 08:02 PM)  To name just a few: Western Auditorium,Clear Lake, Turtle Mountain, Peace Garden, Disdale Park, Sportplex, YMCA Swimming Pool, Shotting ranges, Current Park, Agricultrual Center, North Hill view, Shilo Army Base and its desert (the only desert in Canada), Lots of skating rings, bar, ... Plus Winter Fair, Summar Fair, ...
OF COURSE, don't forget the shows at Keystone Motor Inn [A must-go in Brandon], and these:
Wheat City Stampede
Manitoba Livestock Expo
Manitoba Ag Days
Manitoba Potato Production Days
Lieutenant Governor's Winter Festival
Maple Leaf Victoria Inn
Tournament of Champions
Brandon Jazz Festival
Royal Manitoba Winter Fair
Brandon Home and Leisure Show
Need more???? |