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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-3-4 17:14:40 | 显示全部楼层

保守党在Fort Richmond选区的党内提名人投票大会,预计在4月初。真诚希望住在选区的朋友支持我,入党投票,这是华人目前争取话语权的第一出路,如果我在党内提名选举中因为一票之差落选给那个白人Shaun上恩,这将是我们华人的第一次在温尼伯的政治失败!

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-3-5 12:16:46 | 显示全部楼层
昨晚在曼大举办的“Are You Happy”公开讲座会,吸引了很多人来参加。我从来没有参加过这样的讨论和讲座包括在中国和加拿大,这是第一次,感觉很新鲜和好奇。我高不高兴还需要讨论,在中国没有人讨论,

大家有钱就高兴,吃好的就高兴。我们大家生活在加拿大了,我们高兴吗 ?高兴得标准是什么,怎么来衡量 ?什么样的事情能让我们在新的社会里和体制下活得高兴 ?我们的曼大

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-3-5 12:20:00 | 显示全部楼层
照片为什么没有上去 ?
20150304 Visionary Conversation-Photo by BEIBEI LU-28.jpg IMG_5007.JPG

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-3-9 15:34:14 | 显示全部楼层


IMG_5042.JPG IMG_5048.JPG 198A3566.JPG 198A3568.JPG

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-3-16 12:49:02 | 显示全部楼层
大家早!下周三3月25日晚上Fort Richmond选区有个活动,供大家参考,自愿参加!届时大家会看到我们华人在党内提名阶段的两个候选人。Bowen和那个白人Shaun。感兴趣的,欢迎参加!主题是现任保守党省议员Myrna Dreidger,未来卫生部部长是主讲嘉宾。需要购票 $24.99 (包晚餐)地点是CanadInn 1824 Pembina Hwy

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Wednesday March 25th, 2015
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Canad-Inns Fort Garry
​1824 Pembina Highway
Tickets $24.99
[url=https://cts.vrmailer1.com/click?sk=aJIAB2JgHjBJiIWRRAPgF5OjPleTs96p8_48PIddiWbc=/aHR0cHM6Ly9zaXRlcy5nb29nbGUuY29tL3NpdGUvZm9ydHJpY2htb25kcGMvZXZlbnRzL215cm5hZHJpZWRnZXJ0aGVuZHBmYWlsdXJlaW5oZWFsdGhjYXJl/oBBHMLCQPG7Ixa2ZaYyUmQ==&merge_field_type=(?x-mi?<=href=)[%5Cs]*[%27%22](?<url>[%5E%7B%27%22].+?)[%27%22])]Click Here to Buy Tickets[/url]

Guest Speaker
[url=https://cts.vrmailer1.com/click?sk=aJIAB2JgHjBJiIWRRAPgF5OjPleTs96p8_48PIddiWbc=/aHR0cDovL215cm5hZHJpZWRnZXIuY29tLw==/c1qvXx7trRc_LH86wTYyuA==&merge_field_type=(?x-mi?<=href=)[%5Cs]*[%27%22](?<url>[%5E%7B%27%22].+?)[%27%22])]Myrna Dreidger, MLA Charleswood[/url]

PC Critic for Health

You are invited to an evening all about Healthcare! Come and meet other members of the Association, MLAs, special guests and our two candidates for the nomination, [url=https://cts.vrmailer1.com/click?sk=aJIAB2JgHjBJiIWRRAPgF5OjPleTs96p8_48PIddiWbc=/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZmFjZWJvb2suY29tL2Jvd2VuZ29ib3dlbg==/Sk6xUyFGANQGqhkvDOObsA==&merge_field_type=(?x-mi?<=href=)[%5Cs]*[%27%22](?<url>[%5E%7B%27%22].+?)[%27%22])]Bowen Li[/url] and[url=https://cts.vrmailer1.com/click?sk=aJIAB2JgHjBJiIWRRAPgF5OjPleTs96p8_48PIddiWbc=/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZmFjZWJvb2suY29tL3NoYXVuZm9yZm9ydHJpY2htb25k/BKAxCdkjVw6j5v1CSsK1Hg==&merge_field_type=(?x-mi?<=href=)[%5Cs]*[%27%22](?<url>[%5E%7B%27%22].+?)[%27%22])]Shaun McCaffrey[/url].

You are the PC Party in Fort Richmond! We need to elect a PC MLA, and we need your help to build up our election fund - we are 30% towards our fund-raising goal. Buying a ticket to this event helps us get there together!

[url=https://cts.vrmailer1.com/click?sk=aJIAB2JgHjBJiIWRRAPgF5OjPleTs96p8_48PIddiWbc=/aHR0cHM6Ly9zaXRlcy5nb29nbGUuY29tL3NpdGUvZm9ydHJpY2htb25kcGMvZXZlbnRzL215cm5hZHJpZWRnZXJ0aGVuZHBmYWlsdXJlaW5oZWFsdGhjYXJl/oBBHMLCQPG7Ixa2ZaYyUmQ==&merge_field_type=(?x-mi?<=href=)[%5Cs]*[%27%22](?<url>[%5E%7B%27%22].+?)[%27%22])]Please click here to download the registration form[/url], or contact [url=https://cts.vrmailer1.com/click?sk=aJIAB2JgHjBJiIWRRAPgF5OjPleTs96p8_48PIddiWbc=/bWFpbHRvOnBldGVyY3NtaXRoQGxpdmUuY2E=/ZZVLKmTYB29fuF4MPus3pA==&merge_field_type=(?x-mi?<=href=)[%5Cs]*[%27%22](?<url>[%5E%7B%27%22].+?)[%27%22])]Peter Smith[/url] at 204-293-2949.

​I look forward to seeing you on the 25th!
Liz Foster

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-3-19 17:48:15 | 显示全部楼层



More than 52,000 Canadians travelled abroad for health care last year, study finds
Daniel Katz, Postmedia News | March 17, 2015 | Last Updated: Mar 17 9:21 AM ET
More from Postmedia News

Jose Luis Magana / Associated PressThe Mark O. Hatfield Clinical Research Center in Bethesda, Md. More than 50,000 Canadians chose to travel abroad for medical treatment last year.


The number of Canadian patients who travelled abroad in 2014 to receive non-emergency medical treatment increased 25% from 2013, according to a study conducted by the Fraser Institute, a Canadian independent research and education organization.
In 2014, 52,513 Canadians travelled beyond our borders to seek medical treatment, compared with 41,838 in 2013. The numbers suggest that the Canadian health care system could not comply with the needs and demands of a substantial number of Canadian patients, according to the study.
Matt Gurney: A 15-month wait for 'urgent' medical care. Thanks, Ontario!
Last year, trying to explain how Canada’s system works to American friends, I told them that the Canadian single-payer system was great at saving your life from a conventional illness or injury. The flip side of that, though, is that if you’re not quite in danger of death, you can be in for a rough ride. Outside of a few specific areas targeted for aggressive wait time reductions — things like knee and hip replacements, MRIs, cataract surgery and the like — you can be pretty much screwed if you need a test or procedure for anything less than a life-threatening condition. The system’s limited resources will always, naturally, go to those most in need. So you’ll wait.
That’s what I used to say, anyway. Now, I’m less sure the system could even effectively save your life.
Read more …

The percentage of Canadian patients who travelled abroad to receive non-emergency medical care was 1.1 per cent, an increase compared to 0.9 per cent in 2013.
The study speculates as to why Canadian patients left the country to pursue treatment elsewhere. The reasons include a lack of available resources and equipment in their home jurisdiction; and the desire for more advanced health care facilities and technology.
The study suggests that another reason could be the long wait-times within the Canadian health care system and suggests this as another possible reason for patients leaving. In a 2014 study by the Commonwealth Fund, a private American health care reform and international health policy organization, Canada had the second-worst overall ranking among the health care systems of 11 industrialized nations and ranked last in the wait-time category. Only the American health care system ranked worse overall.
The Fraser Institute study suggests that, on average, a Canadian patient waits 9.8 weeks to receive medical treatment after seeing a specialist. Tack on the average wait time of 8.5 weeks from when their doctor refers them to the specialist, and the wait time is more than four months.

“That a considerable number of Canadians travelled abroad and paid to escape the well-known failings of the Canadian health care system speaks volumes about how well the system is working for them,” said the study.
In 2014 the biggest number patients who travelled abroad came from Ontario (26,252), with about half the total. Second was British Columbia (9,799) and third was Quebec (6,284). The province with the smallest number was Prince Edward Island (48). However, in 2013, P.E.I. only had 8 patients leave to receive treatment, indicating a 500% increase in 2014

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-3-20 11:42:36 | 显示全部楼层
Cost overruns can happen everywhere. It's a curse that politicians are so often way off the mark when they budget for big projects. Wherever you live, capital project overruns cost utility ratepayers and taxpayers literally hundreds of millions of dollars in any given year.
So, what makes Manitoba's cost overrun problem so special?
Just to be clear: Manitoba has a cost overrun problem. The worst of it is found with Manitoba Hydro, where earthquake-scale cost overruns are routine, even long before the concrete is poured.
For three forthcoming projects -- BiPole III, Keeyask and Conawapa -- the government has already accepted that costs will surge by 200% or so, with more damage likely to come. Meanwhile, the recently completed Wuskwatim dam's costs doubled and more. Together, these overruns already fall into the $10 billion -- yes, that's billion -- dollar range, all of it backed by your hydro rates. Accounting wizardry and borrowing delays accountability.
Overruns, broken budgets and dangerously optimistic cost estimates are a chronic problem with joint City-Province projects, too. The Plessis underpass is behind schedule and over-budget. Provincial challenges also contributed to a city overrun of 40% on Waverley West roadwork. Then there's the chaos with Investors Group Stadium, where the price soared from an initial pitch of $160 million to a "guaranteed maximum" of $190 million. Now it's pushing $210 million; likely more once we get an honest total. The Bombers are still working -- and still spending -- to fix construction problems.
To be fair, Manitoba isn't the only jurisdiction with cost overrun problems. In Ontario, just last week the premier as well as the mayor of Toronto had to answer tough questions about a big overrun for a subway extension. Ontario's premier proposed that Toronto use a public-private partnership for its next subway project. This to avoid future overruns, since the P3 for Toronto's new midtown LRT line is apparently working out. Meanwhile, the new mayor of Toronto said he is "furious" and promised that heads would roll if capital cost management isn't tightened up.
That's where the difference is in Manitoba. In other jurisdictions, when landfill-sized dumps of money are burned away on bad cost estimates or cost overruns, politicians actually care. They promise action and often take it. It doesn't always work, but at least they try.
Not here. Premier Selinger and his ministers don't apologize. They don't promise action, and they don't even care enough to wince at billions in additional costs. They won't adjust Hydro's plans, and they haven't truly considered cheaper and less risky alternatives. When it comes to mistakes they've already made, they neither admit them nor learn anything either. The province insisted "through a spokesperson" last week that any audit of the stadium overruns will have to wait until court cases are resolved. That's government speak for "never."
You've got to wonder why our government is so determined to spend more than it has to. You've got to wonder why our premier cares so little when aggregate capital estimates are billions of dollars in error. Most importantly, you've got to wonder how much longer our wallets and credit rating can stand the damage from their total indifference to cost overruns on big projects.
-- Graham Lane, a retired chartered accountant, chairs Manitoba Forward (www.manitobaforward.ca).

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-3-23 17:23:29 | 显示全部楼层
#103楼主,多谢您火险入党支持华人,支持我!您能给我打个电话吗 ?204 5102749 或者添加我的微信:Bowen268369

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-3-24 10:53:34 | 显示全部楼层
好消息!Harper总理任命的曼省新省督Janice Filmon女士,是曾经曼省省长Gary Filmon的夫人。Gary Filmon属于曼省保守党曾于1988-1999 担任曼省省长。

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-3-24 17:20:25 | 显示全部楼层

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