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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-3-26 15:26:15 | 显示全部楼层
昨晚南部三个选区(Ft. Richmond, St. Norbert, Ft. Garry Riverview)联合举办的募捐活动有大约140人出席,其中
10个左右华人出席。Bowen作为Ft Richmond候选人之一上台发言。

Bowen' Speech

Bowen' Speech

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-3-27 11:39:20 | 显示全部楼层
每年4月份我们开始报税,大家能够获得一些退税就已经很高兴了,但是有多少人知道现任曼省政府通过个人上税从我们的收入中拿走了多少 ?

A Manitoba two earner family of four making $60,000 will now pay a whopping $2,751 more in income taxes compared to the same family in Saskatchewan. That’s a 4,337 per cent difference simply by moving across the border. And this gap is widening – in 2013 it was only $2,464. The gap keeps growing because Saskatchewan, like other provinces, is moving faster and further when it comes to creating a competitive personal income tax system than Manitoba. This needs to change if we are to retain and attract Canada’s best people.

Manitoba falling further behind on Personal Income Taxes

April is the time of year when thousands of Manitobans are finding out just how much the provincial government is taking from their pockets through personal income taxes. In Manitoba, the provincial government is taking thousands more than the governments of neighbouring provinces, making it tougher and tougher to justify staying in Manitoba.
There is no better comparison for personal income taxes than our neighbour to the west, Saskatchewan. A Manitoba two earner family of four making $60,000 will now pay a whopping $2,751 more in income taxes compared to the same family in Saskatchewan. That’s a 4,337 per cent difference simply by moving across the border. And this gap is widening – in 2013 it was only $2,464. The gap keeps growing because Saskatchewan, like other provinces, is moving faster and further when it comes to creating a competitive personal income tax system than Manitoba. This needs to change if we are to retain and attract Canada’s best people.
One of the first fundamental steps the Manitoba government must take is to increase the Basic Personal Tax Exemption (BPE), the amount you earn before paying taxes. In 2014, Manitoba has the lowest provincial BPE west of Nova Scotia. This means Manitobans are paying income taxes far sooner than other Canadians. While Manitoba’s BPE has had some small increases over the years, other provinces have seen their BPEs increase by leaps and bounds. For example, the Manitoba BPE grew by $1,300 from 2007 to 2014 while Saskatchewan increased its BPE by $6,600 – no wonder we’re falling behind! Until Manitoba starts to seriously raise the BPE amount, it will be easier to get ahead in Saskatchewan.
Just as important as raising the BPE, the provincial government must also raise its tax bracket thresholds to competitive levels. In Manitoba the lowest tax rate ends at $31,000, a level that has increased by only $456 since 2007. By comparison, in Saskatchewan the lowest tax bracket threshold has increased by $4,887 since 2007 and now ends at $43,292. This means more of your money is taxed at a lower tax rate in Saskatchewan. The same problem exists at the other end of the tax range too – the highest Manitoba tax bracket kicks in at $67,000 while Saskatchewan doesn’t start their top tax rate until you make over $123,000. It’s just more difficult to keep your hard earned dollars in Manitoba compared to Saskatchewan.  
The provincial government may try to dismiss the need for income tax relief by focusing on Manitoba’s “affordable” hydro rates and auto insurance, but that doesn’t fix the problem. While it is true Manitobans pay less for utilities than Saskatchewanians, these savings are completely eaten up by higher taxes. According to the 2014 budget, our example Manitoba family of four pays $451 less in government run utilities, but they pay $2,751 more in personal income taxes. This results in an overall disadvantage of $2,300 for Manitobans, enough money to pay the mortgage for a couple of months or pay for a child’s hockey season. Manitoba can simply not afford to keep this uncompetitive tax system.
Providing tax relief to Manitoba families through personal income tax reform is desperately needed to create a province that allows families to get ahead. The Manitoba government once recognized that burdensome personal income taxes were a real problem and brought forth a comprehensive plan in 2007 to reduce them. Unfortunately that plan was never completed and all Manitobans are now paying the price. Let’s hope the greener pastures in Saskatchewan don’t draw too many of our best and brightest away.
Elliot Sims is the Manitoba Director of Provincial Affairs with the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB). He can be reached at msman@cfib.ca.

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-3-30 18:13:42 | 显示全部楼层
目前在Fort Richmond选区竞选保守党党内提名的两个候选人是:Bowen LI(李博文)和Shaun MaCaffrey

请愿意支持华人在Fort Richmond选区竞选投票的朋友,可以直接登录网上填写入党申请表就可以获得投票权,

很简单,请点击一下连接:两个地方的填写 (1-2)已经注明如下:

1. Constituency name: Fort Richmond
2. Recruiter name; Bowen LI

Thank you very much for your support.

按照以上链接交了费, confirmation #(确认码)就会出现。请将确认码发短信给我即可,
我的手机号码:204 5102749


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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-4-2 11:36:23 | 显示全部楼层
执政党NDP由于家庭部的政策失误和不合理导致曼省印第安女孩Tina Fontiane前一段时间从酒店离开,最后在红河里发现尸体。到目前另一个女孩从同一家酒店离开,将近一个月时间无处寻找到该女孩的下落。家庭部部长Kerry Ivin-Ross无法解释为什么会连续出现这样的情况?NDP这些人不看到人死,就不想改变任何政策!几滴鳄鱼的眼泪能解决什么?

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-4-8 12:07:07 | 显示全部楼层

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-4-9 13:00:46 | 显示全部楼层

很多人还不知道Bowen LI在和谁竞争Fort Richmond选区保守党党内提名权 ?所以今天就介绍给大家认识!如果他来敲门的时候,你可以同样问他问题,为什么要支持他 ?大家公平竞争!他是一名老师,在一所宗教中学工作!
他的名字 Shaun MaCaffrey

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-4-10 17:07:43 | 显示全部楼层

ER crisis reveals NDP character

[backcolor=url(http://www.winnipegsun.com/assets/img/interface/ico-bulle.png) 100% -42px no-repeat]0[/table]

Playing politics a priority over real problems

BY GRAHAM LANE, [backcolor= transparent]MANITOBA FORWARD[/table]

[backcolor= transparent]

[backcolor= transparent][/table]While the NDP government tries to keeps our focus on their own petty political worries, the public's attention should turn to two alarming failures in emergency health care.
Manitoba's emergency room systems are cracking. What's even more alarming is that the bureaucracy managing our health system has basically admitted as much in responding to two separate incidents. With the NDP's fixation on itself, not one NDP politician, director or manager has been held accountable for letting things get this bad.
The first problem comes with Winnipeg Regional Health Authority's failed plan to deal with chronic waits and delays in our emergency rooms. Launched with great fanfare years ago, the plan had something the NDP hates to see, clear goals. The problem with clear goals is that once failure occurs through mismanagement they have no choice but to admit it.
That's exactly what happened in late February. Safely hidden from any criticism by the heat of the NDP leadership campaign fiasco, health officials admitted that years of their work to improve emergency room wait times had only made the situation worse. By the government's own measurement, we're serving, discharging and finding beds more slowly, The number of patients with long waits is roughly the same as before. And, not only for walk-ins (the worst in Canada). Paramedics reveal that, they have been waiting 78 minutes with the average patient at hospital ERs, an increase despite government claims of achieving some improvement in ambulance turnaround times.
The second admission of failure came with the Ministry of Health's pitiful response to the Brian Sinclair inquiry. The inquiry investigated emergency room systems after he died unnoticed for 34 hours while waiting for care.
The simplest recommendation arising from the inquiry was to make sure triage nurses check on any patient vomiting in an Emergency Room. Health Minister Blady insists it will take nine months -- yes, nine months -- to deliver on this single change. As for other recommendations, they may take years to deliver. If that's how unresponsive our system is, how well-equipped are we to handle a minor-grade pandemic or an unexpected disaster?
Our health system is a multi-billion dollar organization, rich in money, management and bureaucracy. Yet, its officials have basically admitted mismanagement twice in the space of mere weeks. That doesn't mean we should harshly judge the majority of hardworking health care workers (who use their skills to save lives within a flawed system). But it is fair to be concerned about the cabinet, and its ministers, the directors and the managers -- paid very well to organize and deploy our health care professionals.
In other provinces, if senior managers admitted to wasting years on a failed strategy to fix a major system, or if their political ministers admitted they couldn't deliver life-saving recommendations for months or years, resignations would be demanded and offered. Heads would roll.
Not here. Ministers don't resign when they fail under today's NDP government -- they only do when they want to overthrow their leader. The current premier won't take responsibility for health-care failures either, he's too busy snuffing out rebellions and protecting his own career to be distracted with real world concerns like the emergency room crisis.
-- Graham Lane, a retired chartered accountant, heads Manitoba Forward (www.manitobaforward.ca).

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-4-15 11:00:29 | 显示全部楼层
曼省进步保守党每年的春季大型晚宴即将开始,有朋友感兴趣参加的,可以开始电话Phone: (204) 942-8283 或者网上报名,可以选择和Bowen LI 座同一桌或者其他选择均可。这是具体信息,供大家参考!

晚宴将于4月30日晚在Victoria Inn(1808 Wellington Ave)6:30 PM 举行. 于4月20日前购票每人200加币,但是有75%的退税收据。

PC Party will host 2015 Spring Gala dinner at Victoria Inn (1808 Wellington Ave) on Apr 30th, 2015.

Early bird ticket (before Apr 24th) - $200 per person ( 75% tax receipt)
Late registration (after Apr 24th) - $250 per person   

Here is the link for online purchase


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就是不一样  曼省小白  发表于 2015-4-15 11:43:52 | 显示全部楼层



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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-4-16 15:12:25 | 显示全部楼层


Phone: (204) 942-8283
或者网上报名,可以选择和Bowen LI 座同一桌或者其他选择均可。
晚宴将于4月30日晚在Victoria Inn(1808 Wellington Ave)6:30 PM 举行. 于4月20日前购票每人200加币,但是有75%的退税收据。

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