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Security Update #3September 20, 2007 7:00 p.m.UWinnipeg President and Vice-Chancellor Lloyd Axworthy held a mediabriefing Thursday afternoon updating the University community and thegeneral public about the warning message discovered on campus onWednesday, Sept. 19.
Axworthy released more details about the message, at the request ofthe Winnipeg Police Service, specifically that it warns of anoccurrance on the morning of Wed. Sept. 26.
The University is working closely with the Winnipeg Police Serviceto enhanced security measures on campus and an investigation continuesby the Major Crimes Unit.
The safety and security of all students, faculty and staff remains the number one priority of The University of Winnipeg.
To see President Axworthy's full statement, please click here.

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Robin  曼省名人  发表于 2007-9-20 21:45:43 | 显示全部楼层
UWINNIPEG SECURITY UPDATE Remarks by President and Vice-Chancellor Lloyd Axworthy UWinnipeg President and Vice-Chancellor Lloyd Axworthy made the following statement during a media briefing today:
“First let me say that the safety and security of students, facultyand staff is the number one priority of the University.  The Universityhas taken the responsible and appropriate approach by disclosing to ourcommunity a warning message found written on a wall of one of ourwashroom facilities.
Here are the facts:
Yesterday, Sept. 19, 2007, a student reported to Security Services the observation of a warning message on a washroom wall. The incident was reported to the Winnipeg Police Service which treatedit as a priority.  The room was sealed and the Winnipeg Police Serviceexamined the scene.
The Winnipeg Police Service is investigating this messageto determine if it is a case of graffiti or a more serious situation.Until 2:30 today, the Winnipeg Police Service had asked us not tocomment on the specific nature and details of the message as thisinformation forms part of the police investigation.
We have now been asked by the Winnipeg Police Service to inform thepublic that the specific elements of the message include a threat of an occurrence on the morning of Weds, Sept. 26. We have been working on enhanced security measures from the moment thismessage was identified and we will have additional measures in placethis week and especially on Sept. 26.
When the threat was brought to the university’s attention, our Security staff conducted a search of all washroom areas to determine if more messages existed and found none.
Security staff and physical plant staff were alerted and camera monitoring was increased.
The following security measures are now in effect and will continue while the investigation is underway:
·         The Winnipeg Police Service has increased its presence on campus and increased security measures are being taken;
·         We are working closely with the Winnipeg Police Service and the provincial government to do a full risk assessment and ensure appropriate security measures are in place;
·         University faculty, staff and students are asked to be vigilant and report any specific knowledge of this incident to our Security Office immediately;
·         Everyone is encouraged to be aware of their surroundingsand to report any suspicious behaviour to the Security Office;
·         A Security Office hotline (786-9235) is being staffed on a 24 hour basis;
·         A phone TIP line is operational 258-2930;
·         An e-mail TIP line is active:  tips@uwinnipeg.ca ;
·         The University’s Personal Safety Guide,which was distributed widely at the commencement of the school year,provides a thorough overview of safety tips and security services andwhat to do in an emergency situation;
·         The University’s Director of Security Services and Emergency Preparedness Coordinator is working with relevant authorities to implement an operational plan.
On Jul. 23, the University announced a series of new initiativesthat reflect the institution’s pro-active approach to campus safetyincluding the phasing in of a SALTO Access Control system, a state-of-the art electronic locking system, and the development of an in-house security team.  These new initiatives complement existing initiatives such as:
·         Safe Ride and Safe Walk Programs
·         Community Ambassador Services Program
·         Safety presentations at Campus Orientation sessions
·         Safety talks on Parent’s nights
The University is disseminating regular information updates to ourcommunity and has taken the following steps to establish ongoingcommunication with those on our campus:
·         Senior managers have been phoning their staff;
·         E-mail messages have gone to a wide distribution of faculty, staff and students;
·         The University has notified its union leadership and The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association who have in turn been disseminating the information through their networks;
·         Information was e-mailed to 7,655 student e-mail accounts;

Counseling is available on campus for students, faculty and staff:  
·         Student counseling can be accessed by calling 786-9231;  
·         Staff and Faculty counseling is available through the Employee Assistance Program at 1-800-387-4765; and   
·         Faculty counseling is available at 786-9022.
While this may be graffiti, the University is treating this message seriously, is taking the responsible approach by disclosing it to the community, and has increased its security measures.  
The University will share further information with the community as soon as it becomes available.
Updates will be provided via email and will be available on the University’s web site’s homepage www.uwinnipeg.ca
Classes and University business are continuing as scheduled. Much like airports have had to change their security measures due tochanging times, so do universities.  And universities, like airportsand other public institutions, must still continue to function.
I want to reassure faculty, staff, students, their parents and families that the University of Winnipeg has taken over the last 24 hours the necessary precautions to ensure this is a secure campus.I wish to thank the Winnipeg Police Service, the Mayor’s Office and theProvince of Manitoba for their prompt reaction and support to TheUniversity of Winnipeg. I also want to thank the University communityfor its calm and professional response.”

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#4.  贵宾  发表于 2007-9-20 22:18:06 | 显示全部楼层
a student reported to Security Services the observation of a warning message on a washroom wall......
!   作为[双子座] 挺好的  

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Robin  曼省名人  发表于 2007-9-20 23:41:15 | 显示全部楼层

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倒立行走  曼省名人  发表于 2007-9-20 23:45:55 | 显示全部楼层

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constantine  曼省名人  发表于 2007-9-21 11:20:44 | 显示全部楼层
i don\'t care
政府是以垄断暴力来牟利的人的组织,是生活的成本,可以想象的理想世界是准许人民带着财产自由离境的国家竞争秩序。 纳税人无主权也无治权:羊毛出在羊身上却不属于羊。政府财税政策权属主权人,是治权人事务。 自由派削党国之权;民主派夺党国之权。 Freedom is not free

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排排座喝可乐  曼省新人  发表于 2007-9-24 18:47:49 | 显示全部楼层
……先寒 一个 麦西那个楼应该没问题 毕竟是温尼泊最安全的地方之一

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海蘭寶  曼省名人  发表于 2007-9-24 19:52:44 | 显示全部楼层
听说 上次美国那个韩国人枪击刚开始大家也是没注意= =
UW的同学们还是小心吧= =
连我们UM 都发信要注意安全了- -

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#4.  贵宾  发表于 2007-9-24 19:57:30 | 显示全部楼层
!   作为[双子座] 挺好的  

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