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University of Winnipeg 温尼泊大学

11796 15

About Winnipeg and Manitoba
The University of Winnipeg is conveniently located in the center of downtown Winnipeg. Winnipeg is a friendly, vibrant city, and the capital of the Province of Manitoba in Canada. This urban center boasts all the conveniences of a modern bustling city, yet is safe and very easy to get around.

选择去温尼佩格大学的十大理由: 10 Reasons to Attend The University of Winnipeg
1) Size: A student population of about 7,000 means smaller class sizes and plenty of personal attention.
2) Programs: Our programs lead to a BA, BSc, or BEd.
We offer 3-year general degree programs (3-year degrees are standard in Canada) and more advanced 4-year degree programs for students considering graduate school. We also offer pre-professional programs that prepare you for entry into professional programs like medicine and dentistry. There are 39 programs of study and over 400 courses from which to choose.
3) Private Quality, Public Price:
We offer you the quality of a private university education at the price of a public university education.
4) Best in the West:
We have ranked in the top ten of the annual Maclean's magazine survey of Canadian universities in the undergraduate category for the past three years. That makes us the best undergraduate university in Western Canada.
5) Undergraduate Edge:
Because our focus is on undergraduate students, we offer you opportunities to gain hands-on experience that will give you an edge in the job market or graduate school. You will have a chance to participate directly in research and gain employment experience as a marker, lab demonstrator, or tutor-opportunities that larger schools reserve for graduate students.
6) Practical Skills:
We teamed up with Red River College in Winnipeg to develop joint programs that blend the theoretical knowledge of a university education with the practical skills of a community college education. Your diploma helps you land your first job while your degree helps you move ahead in the future. These programs include:
- Applied Biology - Administrative Studies
- Applied Chemistry - Child Development and Child Care
- Applied Environmental Studies - Communications
Our unique Business Computing program attracts students from around the world by mixing technical computing courses with business administration courses.
7) Central Location:
We are conveniently located in the heart of downtown Winnipeg, a vibrant, multicultural city of 700,000. Your social life will revolve around the entire city, not just the campus.
8) Earn While You Learn:
In Canada, International students may only work on campus. Luckily, there are plenty of job opportunities (校内打工机会) for students at The University of Winnipeg.
9) Facilities:
You have access to an extensive and technologically advanced library, concert hall, the Duckworth Athletic Center, computer facilities, free Internet access, a new student center, two on-campus bookstores, and a variety of food outlets.
10) Weather:
Beautiful springs and falls and crisp, cold winters - but don't worry, we've got winter covered with interconnected buildings that make it easy to get around without going outside.
Like you, Canadians place a premium on education and demand first-rate schools. Canada spends more per capita on our education system than any other country in the Organization for Economic Corporate Development (OECD). We spend 7.1% of our Gross Domestic Product on education while other OECD countries only spend 6.1%.

Education:         Education, Developmental Studies
Humanities:         English, French Studies, German Studies, German-Canadian Studies, History, History of Art, Mennonite Studies, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Theatre/Drama, Women's Studies.
Science:         Administrative Studies and Business Computing (管理科学与计算机结合的专业), Biology, Chemistry, Environmental/Urban Studies, Geography, Mathematics/Statistics, Physics
Social Science:         Anthropology, Conflict Resolution Studies, Economics, International Development Studies, Justice and Law Enforcement, Physical Activity and Sport Studies, Politics, Psychology, Sociology

国际学生必须有高中毕业文凭,到校时满18岁,可以没有托福成绩,到达学校后先读 ESL 课程,通过学校提供的英文水平考试后就可以开始攻读本科课程,不需要再去考托福.
国际学生直接进入本科课程的英文条件是托福 570.

2000-2001 International Students Admission Information


The following costs and cost estimates are based on the fees established for the 2000-2001 academic year. They are subject to change and should be regarded as a guide only.
1. Application Fee - In order to be considered for admission, a fee of $60.00 (Canadian funds) must accompany your application.
2. Health Insurance*
Single coverage - $362.00
Family coverage - $1,115.00
*Health Insurance must be paid before or at the time of registration.
3. Tuition and Other Costs
The total cost for one academic year (September - April) taking courses on a full-time basis, excluding health insurance:
Fall and Winter Terms based on the maximum of 30 credit hours (5 full courses) in the sciences:

Tuition fees 1,248.24(per six credit hour course)..............................$6,241.20
Student Association Fees..............................$138.16
Books and Supplies (estimated)......................$1,430.00
Shared Accommodation $344/month...................$2,752.00
Local Transportation $61/month......................$488.00
Miscellaneous $215/month..........................$1,720.00
Food $168/month...................................$1,480.00
The total cost for one Spring Term (April - July) taking courses on a full-time basis, excluding health insurance:

Spring Term based on the maximum of 18 credit hours or (3 full courses) in the sciences:
Tuition fees $1,248.24(per six credit hour course)...............................$3,744.72
Student Association Fees...............................$70.08
Books and Supplies (estimated)........................$804.00
Shared Accommodation $344/month...................$1,376.00
Local Transportation $61/month......................$244.00
Miscellaneous $215/month............................$860.00
Food $185/month.....................................$740.00

Students entering Canada for the first time should also allow about $2,000 CDN for environmental changes such as winter clothing and dietary changes. Airfare is not included in any of these estimates.
没有托福的同学,申请学校时必须同时申请 ESL 和本科学士学位.

14 Weeks English Language Program Fees

课程开始时间: 一月,五月,九月
Jan. 7, May 6, Sept.3
Application Fee $50 (Canadian)
Full Tuition $2,400 (Canadian)
HOMESTAY Placement Fee $150 (Canadian)
Monthly HOMESTAY Fee $500 (Canadian)
同时申请本科和 ESL 课程的申请费一共是: $60 + $50 = $110.

Deposit of $500 (CAD) is required to reserve a place in the ESL program. (申请 ESL Program 时需另外缴纳 $500 留位费,得到签证后留位费 $500 用于支付学费,如果未能得到签证, $500学校全部退还).

<1> 毕业文凭和成绩单

a) 高中还没有毕业但是即将毕业的学生,提供已经完成的高中课程的成绩单,成绩单需要有英文公证。
b) 已经高中毕业的学生要提供高中毕业文凭和高中成绩单,毕业文凭和成绩单均需要有英文公证。
d) 高中毕业后已经继续读高中后课程(中专/大专/本科)的学生,除了提供高中毕业文凭和高中成绩单外,还需要提供已经完成的高中后课程(中专/大专/本科)的成绩单,毕业文凭和成绩单均需要有英文公证。

<2> 出生日期英文公证

<3> 父母/子女关系英文公证


<4> 个人简历(英文 + 中文)分别两套

<5> 英文的个人学习计划书一页(Personal Statement),谈及个人的学习计划,兴趣,今后的职业打算,也可以谈些个人的爱好,特长,业余活动。

<6> 两封老师的[s:119]信,其中至少一封要如实介绍学生的英文水平,老师的[s:119]信如果是中文的,要有英文译文。


1) 填写学生资料表,表上要粘贴上照片。
2) 填写下列申请表格:
A) ESL 申请表格 ( English Language Program Application Forms )
B) 本科课程国际学生申请表格 ( International Student Application for Admission Form )
3) 申请费汇票: $110 + $500 = $610 加元,Payable to: University of Winnipeg ,汇票必须从 HSBC 或者 Bank of China 银行开出,中国其他的银行汇票学校不收,因为处理起来麻烦且费用高。
其中 $500 是 English Language Program 的押金(留位费)。如果未能得到签证,出示拒签信,学校将退还这 $500。汇票必须和全部申请材料一包一齐交到学校。
如果打算寄住在加拿大人家(Homestay),学生需额外交 $150 的 Homestay 安置费。无论是否得到签证,此费不退。

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评论 15

Family  贵宾  发表于 2007-11-21 00:16:46 | 显示全部楼层

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Robin  曼省名人  发表于 2007-11-21 00:18:33 | 显示全部楼层
-  -!?你不是在曼大么

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Family  贵宾  发表于 2007-11-21 00:20:09 | 显示全部楼层

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Robin  曼省名人  发表于 2007-11-21 00:22:12 | 显示全部楼层

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philkuo  曼省名人  发表于 2007-11-21 00:31:35 | 显示全部楼层

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Robin  曼省名人  发表于 2007-11-21 00:51:59 | 显示全部楼层

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philkuo  曼省名人  发表于 2007-11-21 02:18:47 | 显示全部楼层

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就是一枪  管理员  发表于 2007-11-21 02:24:16 | 显示全部楼层

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maimai  曼省名人  发表于 2007-11-21 20:30:38 | 显示全部楼层

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