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SeanT  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
Cover Letter is very important. Resume is second. <br /><br />Create a Business in Canada. All we hope that. There are skill and ideas, and no money. There Money, and no ideas and skills. Talk about that. How can we do a big business in canada or world? It&#039;s good topic.<br /><br />

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Mountain  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
Yes, setting up a business isn&#039;t easy especially for students and immigrants, it is even harder to make it profitable. whatever type of company you want to register, like Sole proprietorships, partnerships, or corporations, you need to know the markets, the competitors in the area and yourself very well. However, it is still possible to initiate and run a successful business as long as you have essential technology and a nice business plan. I don&#039;t think initial capital is a bottle neck since you can always get loan as the government has so many programs to support small business. For example you can find all kind of information in this web link http://www.homebiz.ca/BIC/gov%20progs/govmb.html.<br /><br />By discussing the business posibility and exchanging information, a creative business idea may pop up provided we attract a large number of individuals with diverse backgrounds. that, I think, is  the purpose of this forum. It can link business partners and encourage our friends to get involved in the business.

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老万  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
[quote author=Mountain link=topic=2925.msg21258#msg21258 date=1143164180]<br />Yes, setting up a business isn&#039;t easy especially for students and immigrants, it is even harder to make it profitable. whatever type of company you want to register, like Sole proprietorships, partnerships, or corporations, you need to know the markets, the competitors in the area and yourself very well. However, it is still possible to initiate and run a successful business as long as you have essential technology and a nice business plan. I don&#039;t think initial capital is a bottle neck since you can always get loan as the government has so many programs to support small business. For example you can find all kind of information in this web link http://www.homebiz.ca/BIC/gov%20progs/govmb.html.<br /><br />By discussing the business posibility and exchanging information, a creative business idea may pop up provided we attract a large number of individuals with diverse backgrounds. that, I think, is&amp;nbsp; the purpose of this forum. It can link business partners and encourage our friends to get involved in the business.<br />[/quote]<br /><br />MOUNTAIN的英文很好。可惜俺的英文不好。<br /><br />俺有PLUMBER的证,一直想开自己的PLUMBING公司,赚鬼子的钱。现在,俺有自己的公司,一边给鬼子打工,一边做点私活,私活都是华人的。问题是,华人的市场有限。如果公司要有发展,一定要做鬼子的生意才行,鬼子人口多,市场大。可俺的英文不行。<br /><br />有时想,雇一个鬼子专门听电话,也许是一个解决办法。可一,那需要钱,俺刚起步,钱紧,恐怕雇不起;二,即使雇的起,雇一个合适的人也很难。

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Mountain  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
哪里啊.我那是乱写那.去年我有点活就打电话给一个公司找了位PLUMBER,我感觉这里的技术人员都挂靠一个公司,也就是说一个公司就一个接线员,有电话了要找PLUMBER了,接线员就给转给PLUMBER那里.要找电工就接到电工那里,而那些技术人员可能给接线员提成什么的.就好象REALTOR一样,一个公司里有很多REALTOR,只是给公司提成就行.所以我感觉,你可以不单独顾人.这是我上次跟他们打交道体会,具体情况可以再打听一下.<br /><br />祝你的公司兴旺发达,日进斗金.

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老万  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
[quote author=Mountain link=topic=2925.msg23055#msg23055 date=1143869165]<br />哪里啊.我那是乱写那.去年我有点活就打电话给一个公司找了位PLUMBER,我感觉这里的技术人员都挂靠一个公司,也就是说一个公司就一个接线员,有电话了要找PLUMBER了,接线员就给转给PLUMBER那里.要找电工就接到电工那里,而那些技术人员可能给接线员提成什么的.就好象REALTOR一样,一个公司里有很多REALTOR,只是给公司提成就行.所以我感觉,你可以不单独顾人.这是我上次跟他们打交道体会,具体情况可以再打听一下.<br /><br />祝你的公司兴旺发达,日进斗金.<br />[/quote]<br /><br />俺打过工的几家公司,都是专门做PLUMBING的,都有DISPATCHER接听电话和安排活,都收费很高。<br /><br />俺想做鬼子的市场,除了市场大之外,收费也高,赚得也多,不然怎么能达到日进斗金啊。

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老万  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
MOUNTAIN客气了。你写的东西,不管怎么看,语法、用词、前后呼应等等,都不一般。<br /><br />俺怎么乱写,也写不出你这水准的。正经写,就更不行了。

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老万  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
MOUNTAIN找的PLUMBER是怎么收费的?能不能告诉俺?俺以后也好有个参考。<br />

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Mountain  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
收费还是比较高.活干得很好.当时是加一个洗手间.其他都做好了,水管工其实就是很短的一断接到下水道,还有就是装一个洗衣机和烘干机的水电.大概水管工收了300多,洗衣机铜管那断收了900多,电工收了150吧. 后来发现都是一个公司的发票. 但电话不是一个号码,所以我觉得他们挂靠同一个公司.

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IAMJACK  曼省小白  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
老万, 你的电话几号?

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Mountain  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
看看,老万,来生意啦.哈哈<br />

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