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Nunavut - Iqaluit & Igloolik

4608 7
I found it la ... the pictures from so many years ago ^^ hope you guys like it... it's my trip up north into the Northwest Territories...which got split into 2... it got to be Nunavut the year i went up i think... or one year before that

The first picture is of an Inuit hunter .. canoeing into the frozen lake ... after he has shot a seal... he's going in to drag it out of the freezing water onto the solid ice that we are standing on.

The second picture is a polar bear skin stretched on a rack... the storage house beside it is about 2 stories tall... that thing's huge!~!! you have to be there to see it ... it's much bigger than it looks in the picture... Their community is allowed to hunt ... i'm not sure how many polar bears and whales a year.... they can do it in minimal numbers to sustain their way of life.

The third picture is the research centre in Igloolik.. Every summer, when the snow and ice thaws and some ground is revealed, a large number of researchers would come and do various projects in the area.

[ 本帖最后由 Kanina 于 2006-9-8 10:35 编辑 ]
Q(^.^Q)    ♡§мإ Ŀε♡ Ŧăkз м3 ăώǻЎ

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Kanina  曼省名人  发表于 2006-9-8 09:53:09 | 显示全部楼层
...Iqaluit .....
This is the capital of Nunavut, the newest territory ... the first picture is a beacon in the bright white land covered in snow... it is the airport... it\'s tiny... -.= ... but it\'s where we can get off a small plane that\'s uncomfortable and on which we had ... smoked arctic char... which wasn\'t too bad... and lots of people here think that it\'s very delicious ^^...

The second picture show the inside of the airport, they have little display cases of Inuit art... carvings, drawings, etc.

The third picture was ...taken in a museum in Iqaluit... up above is a stuffed ...taxiderminized? i really don\'t know what it\'s called...haha... a polar bear... looks menacing, huh

[ 本帖最后由 Kanina 于 2006-9-8 10:19 编辑 ]
Q(^.^Q)    ♡§мإ Ŀε♡ Ŧăkз м3 ăώǻЎ

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Kanina  曼省名人  发表于 2006-9-8 09:54:03 | 显示全部楼层
... Seal hunting

Oh yes... the way of life of the people here....

They use some sort of gun... i have no idea... a pellet gun maybe? ...  shot gun? haha... but yea... they shoot a seal that they see in the water ... like at least ... 30 meters away... or much more... maybe a hundred? i\'m really bad with estimating distances...then they drag it out onto the ice... and start cutting it up...

First, they cut it open, then they take out the intestines and clean it ... then roll it up before it freezes, so it stays in a nice tight coil... everything is used in an animal, they don\'t waste anything... raw fat... meat, liver, and especially the brain are considered delicacies... i tried some... interesting.. but i am not in ANY hurry to EVER try it again ^^ ...

[ 本帖最后由 Kanina 于 2006-9-8 10:28 编辑 ]
Q(^.^Q)    ♡§мإ Ŀε♡ Ŧăkз м3 ăώǻЎ

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就是一枪  管理员  发表于 2006-9-8 17:51:47 | 显示全部楼层

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bugbug  贵宾  发表于 2006-9-8 17:57:57 | 显示全部楼层
前有文叔,后有十三 两者相较,该取其谁 难啊难啊难啊~~~~ buggy的苦恼

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Kanina  曼省名人  发表于 2006-9-8 18:35:21 | 显示全部楼层
well.....人类很残酷的 想想大家整天吃的 鸡鱼猪羊什么的 偶是肉食动物。。。你们心肠好的人们。。哈哈。。去做vegan ba ~~ 加油加油 你们省下来的肉肉。。。我来吃 。。。
再说了。。。 那个海豹先死了才被割开的马。。。。 还有。。你要北边的人给饿死么? 他们用飞机运上去的资源好贵好贵。。。6 年前。。。1个橘子。。。大约 $3....
Q(^.^Q)    ♡§мإ Ŀε♡ Ŧăkз м3 ăώǻЎ

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Yan  版主  发表于 2006-9-9 23:55:57 | 显示全部楼层

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Kanina  曼省名人  发表于 2006-9-10 07:26:51 | 显示全部楼层
你们看人家Yan多understanding 也。。。中国人吃狗。。。残忍么? HOHO
Q(^.^Q)    ♡§мإ Ŀε♡ Ŧăkз м3 ăώǻЎ

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