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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-7-20 10:46:48 | 显示全部楼层
viwi900:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (2015-07-19 06:35 PM) 
DDDDDD:什么意思 ?请解释!

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-7-20 10:59:48 | 显示全部楼层
真正的法制体现。我想提出的观点是如果政府的执政党介入,它的政策是建立在公众利益上( Public Interest)呢 ?,还是政党利益上呢 ? (因为某个政党都会有某一个群体支持者)。矛盾因此产生。

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-7-20 15:32:35 | 显示全部楼层


曼省商业移民项目里外照应的押金退款行为 - 没有任何政府质疑

曼尼托巴省的省提名计划的商业移民尽管有很多人申请,但是近一两年每年只批准了150个申请。实际情况是渥太华允许曼省每年有400个批准名额。过去的商业移民需要向曼尼托巴发展公司(MDC)。交纳押金75000加币(目前为$ 100,000加币)。如果投资移民落地后满足投资和居住要求,他们的押金存款会不计利息的退还给投资人。落地后,没有履行义务的投资人,省政府会没收押金存款,过去两年中的官方报告数据显示没收的押金数额为28百万加币,也就是373名落地的投资移民没有履行义务。



早已经离开曼省的这位华人安置部经理曾批准了几十个改变移民商业计划的投资人,并还建议了数百个项目改变计划- 允许押金退款总额以数百万加币计算。这位华人经理离职3年后,审计报告要求的关于投资者在曼省的投资居住报告或者前任安置部项目经理的问题如何处理,没有任何下文。


目前太多的投资者没有履行投资义务,直接就扔掉押金协全家去了其它省份。在过去的两年报告里,一共有375商业移民获批 -每年仅仅150人获批,同时这150人也就直接扔掉押金去了其它省份。这些投资移民一旦完成投资义务,获得押金后,曼省政府就对他们失去了兴趣。




Grahm Lane一位退休曼省电力局的特许会计师,是曼尼托巴前进委员会(www.manitobaforward.ca)的主席。


Conflict ofinterest remains ignored

Manitoba's Provincial Nominee Program forbusiness immigrants approves only 150 applications a year though hundreds moreapply. Ottawa allows Manitoba 400 each year. Past business immigrants deposited$75,000 (now $100,000) with the Manitoba Development Corporation (MDC). Theirdeposit, without interest, is refunded if investment and residence requirementsare met. Fail to to meet your obligation, the provincial government gobbles upyour deposit; $28-million over the last two reported years.

Many are qualified, pay and come, withdependents, but fail to set up a business. Those that don't invest can exceedthose that do. Yet, the objective is to attract and retain new business owners,not 'gobble up' deposits for the government's overall operations.

In the Auditor General’s 2012 review, the program's then-manager in charge of assisting andapproving business immigrants' plans, also with responsibility for refundingdeposits, was caught in a conflict of interest. His spouse operated an immigration company and was a licensed realtor.She advertised in the local (Manitoba) Chinese media claiming she could helpimmigrant investors get their $75,000 deposits back. Her husband controlledrefunding. Upon the conflict being discovered, the then-manager immediatelyresigned and left the province.

This long-gone manager approved dozens ofchanges to immigrant business plans and recommended changes to hundreds more -allowing for refunds totalling in the millions. Despite the possibility thathis actions were affected by his spouse and her relationship with businessimmigrants, facilitating the refunding of deposits, the auditor's report onlycalled for a review of retention. Also needed is a follow-up of cases involvingthe then-manager and his spouse. Three years after the departure of themanager, the auditor report suggests that there has been neither a retentionstudy nor a review of the former manager's cases.

The question looms over the program - werequalifying investments actually made, and, for those that got their depositback, who is still here in Manitoba?

Going beyond the actions of the then-manager,there have been far too many business immigrants walking away from theirdeposits, but, likely, staying in Canada with their dependents. In the last tworeported years, a total of 375 business immigrants – a staggering numbergiven only 150 approvals per year - 'walked away'. When notified that theimmigrant's obligation to invest has been met, the Province has simply refundedthe deposit and lost interest.

Despite 15-years of the program's existence,not a single report has been issued on retention. And, now, over three yearsafter the departure of the former manager's and recognition of his conflict ofinterest, there still has been no review to determine whether refunded depositsduring his tenure were invested in bona fide Manitoba businesses andwhether those investors remain in business and in the province.  

The objectives of the program, recruit businessimmigrants to invest and live, with their families in Manitoba, remains valid.Manitoba relies on immigration and business investments to grow its populationand economy.

That said, the government should stop hiding aterrible record as to the attracting and retaining business immigrants.And, the past conflict of interest needs to be thoroughly assessed. Ifinappropriate transactions are found, document them and go to the police.

Graham Lane, a retired chartered accountant,is chair of Manitoba Forward (www.manitobaforward.ca).

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tercel  曼省名人  发表于 2015-7-22 15:29:24 | 显示全部楼层
李博文竞选:DDDDDD:什么意思 ?请解释! (2015-07-20 09:46 AM) 

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-7-23 10:33:48 | 显示全部楼层
tercel:应该是“顶”的意思。 (2015-07-22 02:29 PM) 

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-7-29 14:06:02 | 显示全部楼层
以下这个故事值得我们注意。这位女士曾经是保守党联邦议员,但是由于提名阶段从男友处获得该选区的支持者名单作弊,导致被保守党开除。再此注明男友是Harper的左膀右臂人物。 继而Cross The Floor进入自由党。没想到命运更惨,提名阶段就被剔出。作假和投机行为是没有好下场的。

Tory defector Eve Adams defeated by Marco Mendicino in Liberal nomination fight

Colin Perkel, The Canadian Press | July 27, 2015 | Last Updated: Jul 27 9:06 AM ET
More from The Canadian Press

THE CANADIAN PRESS/Colin PerkelLiberal MP Eve Adams is seen as party members in the Toronto riding of Eglinton-Lawrence vote for their election candidate on Sunday, July 26, 2015.

TORONTO — Conservative defector Eve Adams failed on Sunday in her bid to run as a Liberal candidate in the looming federal election.
The sitting member of Parliament, welcomed personally into the fold by Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, was handily beaten for the party’s nomination in the Toronto riding of Eglinton-Lawrence by lawyer Marco Mendicino.
The vote tally was about 1,100 votes for Adams and 1,936 for her victorious rival, party officials said, prompting ecstatic applause from his supporters.
The result means Mendicino, 42, a married father of two, will now face off against Tory Finance Minister Joe Oliver in the election that must be held no later than Oct. 19.

“There’s no booing for Eve,” he said in a victory speech.
Adams, 40, who once berated a garage attendant over an unsatisfactory car wash, left the Conservatives under a cloud related to another nomination fight, and Trudeau’s warm embrace of her angered some party members.
Some of that disaffection was on display as Adams, who does not live in the constituency, made a final, unsuccessful appeal to riding Liberals to let her carry their standard against Oliver.

She had barely begun her pitch to about 150 members in a steamy high school auditorium when a man stood up in the audience.
“I urge you today for the sake of the party, if you love the Liberal party, please withdraw,” he said.
Adams ignored the heckle.
Instead, the MP for Mississauga-Brampton South west of Toronto began her 10-minute speech with a passing nod to Mendicino, before stressing her own political credentials.
“I’m a fighter. That’s pretty clear. I will fight harder for you than Joe Oliver ever will,” Adams told the crowd.
“I’m a fighter, I’m progressive, I’m also a young mom, a full-time mom.”
Adams pledged to move into the riding if chosen, and talked up her work ethic. She said nothing about her former party affiliation.
She also paid tribute to the Liberal leader, who both sides said stayed out of the bitter nomination fray.
“Justin Trudeau has a vision,” she said. “He is the most inspired leader I have ever worked for.”

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-7-30 10:28:18 | 显示全部楼层
游客:赞同: 机行为没有好下场!  那些日伪汉奸就是如此! (2015-07-29 10:04 PM) 
从政应该有立场和观点,就为了从政而从政,最好别从政!从政不是当老好人!无论什么政策总是不能让每个人满意,但是要符合社会利益和大众心愿才会长久。哪个政党个人没那么重要,别总把自己当个儿葱!真位大家老百姓做事才重要!像Eva Adams这类从政投机者,无论是化到汉奸类,还是叛徒类,这种做法都不会有好下场!

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-8-4 10:32:13 | 显示全部楼层
长周末期间,看了Youtube上著名采访节目人Charlie Rose采访Jack马云的一段视频,感触颇深!马云现在可以呼风唤雨了,但是他经历的几十次的拒绝不是是个人都有的经历,从学校被拒,到工作被拒,然后创业被拒。。。。这一次一次的打击居然都成了他的动力。他对自己和自己所坚信的所做事业的程度也不是是个人都有的。他的不一般其实就是向他所讲的“阿甘正传”的阿甘那样,坚持不懈的做到底!1994年刚刚开始的网络,很多人知道,但是没有人向他那样疯狂的介入,这就是机会来的时候,能抓住的人并不怕失败的人才能成功。。。。。 所以只出了一个马云!

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-8-5 15:03:16 | 显示全部楼层

 (2015-08-04 01:30 PM) 

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李博文竞选  曼省名人  发表于 2015-8-5 15:05:10 | 显示全部楼层
游客:一些人因为马云长得又矮又丑,却能取得那么大的成功,所以很是愤愤不平,其实人家的努力和付出,他们却没有看见。 (2015-08-05 12:38 PM) 

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